Our Practice:
BeHotYoga Atlanta teaches a traditional hot yoga which consists of a specifically ordered series of 26 postures in a hot room. The room is heated to approximately 106 degrees. In this style of yoga we hold the postures for a certain amount of time focusing on balance and stillness. We try to encourage a disciplined practiced to help foster a unified energy for the entire room.
Be Hot 60 – All Levels
This is a one hour version of the Bikram series. We do all of the postures in order and we're done in 60 minutes.
Be Hot 90 – All Levels
This class is based on the classic 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises of the Bikram series. It is a 90 minute class in a hot room. Come and let the yoga rock your world!
Be Hot 75 – All Levels
This is a 75 minute version of the classic Bikram series. Come into the heat, work hard, and leave feeling great!
Inferno Hot Pilates
Inferno Hot Pilates is a challenging, full-body, low-impact, high-intensity workout, using Pilates principles. The room is heated to 95 F. or 35 C. It is designed for all fitness levels. It helps tone and strengthen muscles without the pounding of a high impact workout. The class is performed with fast-paced music making it fun, exciting and energizing.
Myofascial Release
This class incorporates gentle stretching postures, along with methods to relieve stress from the body. The 90 minute session includes myofascial release along with evidence based modalities to enhance your life quality for years to come and allow you to truly thrive. In this class, the room is warm but not hot, and you can do this even if you have eaten or if you have already taken a hot yoga class.